Extra Curricular
Every good school is practically as busy after the official day is over as it is during school hours, and Wesley is no exception. From sports, to enrichment classes, to tutoring, opportunities abound for students of all ages to continue their education and participation.
LEAP - Lions Extended After-school Program
Students are invited to participate in LEAP, which is held every day after school until 6:00pm. After taking a break and having an after-school snack, students have 30 minutes of study hall during which they can work on their homework with the assistance of program staff, if needed. Students then participate in a variety of structured activities and interest-based clubs designed to further their academic, social, and emotional development. Parents can sign their children up for LEAP for the entire year, or on a daily drop-in basis as needed. For questions about LEAP, contact Ms. Julie Lanctot.
After School Enrichment Classes
Stay tuned for more information regarding our after school enrichment fall offerings. These classes change from trimester to trimester and range from a variety of child interests including art, music, drama, sports, dance, sewing, robotics, and more! For more information about Enrichment Classes, please contact Ms. Julie Lanctot.