The Wesley School's uniform provider is Lands' End. Uniforms are available throughout the year. Please check below for the various ways to order.
The Wesley School 900186321 Lands’ End: your school uniform source.
Online: To shop online, go to landsend.com/school and create or sign in to your account. Include your student and school information in My Account (or find your School using the Preferred School Number Search: 900186321). Start shopping with your personalized product checklist. SHOP NOW.
Need help? Call 1-800-469-2222 and reference your student’s Preferred School Number 900186321, grade level, and gender. The Lands' End team of consultants is available 24/7 for assistance.
The Wesley School is a “uniform” school. Students should always be in uniform unless otherwise specified. If a student should come to school out of uniform, the student will receive an “out of uniform” notice and the parents will be called to bring in the proper uniform. Any student who receives three “out of uniform” notices will lose their next free dress day.
Essential Expectations for Student Uniforms:
- Students must wear athletic lace up shoes - every day - to protect their feet during PE and outside play during their recesses as well as for general safety. Children in grades K-2 may wear athletic shoes with velcro closures, but after that it’s time to tie those laces! Boots, Ugg type shoes, casual sneakers, slippers, flats (Toms, ballet slippers, etc.), open-toes shoes, and sandals are not permitted.
- Navy, white, and grey Wesley logo'd polo shirts may be worn at any grade level, K-8. Green polo shirts are still strictly for our 6th-8th grade students.
- Our skirts, including the plaid version for middle school, are now all skorts. Our students seem to appreciate this option instead, and so do we! Please note that skirts should no longer be worn to school - skorts only. Skorts must be no shorter than the end of a students’ fingertips when their arms are down at their sides – both front and back.
- Anyone wearing a dress, MUST wear bike shorts underneath - a requirement for all ages. To help with this, all the skirts offered by Lands’ End have a bike short built in and therefore are called skorts, although they look like skirts.
- Navy pants and shorts are now available in all sizes and may be worn at any grade level, K-8. Khaki is still available as well for our 6th-8th grade students. Pants and shorts must ride no lower than two inches below the waist.
- Underwear of any sort should never be visible.
- Leggings and opaque tights may be worn under shorts or skorts; no fishnets or stockings.
- Green sweatpants are now an option for our 6th-8th graders. Students of all ages may wear our Wesley sweatpants to school in grey or navy as a regular uniform option.
- Wesley leggings with the lion logo at the ankle, and ONLY Wesley leggings, have been approved to be worn as part of the daily uniform as a “bottom” garment.
- Socks may be any color or design and may be ankle, crew, or knee-high length (not thigh-high) and should not display inappropriate language or images.
- Long-sleeved polo shirts are available in all the same colors as the short-sleeved ones. In addition, students may also wear a long sleeved white t-shirt under a short-sleeved polo if that is preferred. However, no other colors or prints, please.
- Every student is expected to wear Wesley outerwear when the weather warrants it. Non-Wesley sweatshirts may not be worn during the school day, with the exception of rain gear when it is raining and winter coats when it is especially cold.
- Rips, tears, or holes in uniform items are not allowed.
- Hats, visors, gloves, or sunglasses (unless required for medical reasons) are not to be worn indoors on campus.
- Students may wear stud earrings or simple hoops.
- Students in Grades 4-8 will no longer change for PE, and the PE uniform is not to be worn to school on PE days. Instead, we have added a new active tee in navy, grey, and green that is part of the school uniform. The navy and grey active tees are available for Grades 4-8, and the green, navy, and grey active tees are available for Grades 6-8. These do not need to be worn on PE days, but are an option for those students who prefer it. Since students in Grades 4-8 will no longer be changing for PE, the mesh gym shorts are no longer necessary and no longer allowed to be worn to school as part of the daily uniform. However, if your child is planning to play in our after school sports program, the mesh gym shorts will be required for games.
- It has now been approved for middle school students to wear Dickies Original Work Pants (not cargo, jogger, or carpenter) in navy only.
On free dress days, during after-school sports or other activities, students are not allowed to wear:
- Midriff tops
- Long pants or jeans with tears or holes above the knees
- Excessively baggy clothes
- Short shorts or skirts
- Clothing with inappropriate messages or images
NOTE: The Administration will evaluate any discrepancies and enforce the dress code rules at their discretion. The School reserves the right to implement or change any regulation or policy, and while it is unlikely to happen mid-year, any change will be reported to parents in writing.
Recommended quantities to get you started - we suggest starting with a "smattering" of choices until your child develops a preference for jumpers, shorts, shorts, or whatever, and then stocking up on their favorites.
NOTE: Uniform items listed under boys and girls on the Lands' End website are interchangeable. Skorts should be no shorter than the end of a students' fingertips when their arms are down at their sides - both front and back.
Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
- 5 main pieces selected from the following:
- navy jumper - may be worn with or without the white round collared blouse
- short sleeve polo dress
- navy shorts
- navy skorts
- navy long pants
- navy leggings with the Wesley logo at the ankle
- navy or grey sweatpants with the Wesley logo on the pant leg
- 5 shirts/blouses
- choose from:
- white round collar blouse to wear under jumpers
- polo shirts (short and long sleeve) in navy, white, or grey, with the Wesley logo, to wear with shorts, pants, and skorts
- choose from:
- 2 outer garments - any combination of navy cardigan sweater, sweatshirts, or nylon rain jacket with the embroidered Wesley logo (only Wesley outerwear acceptable)
- 2 pair bike shorts to wear under dresses
3rd through 5th Grade
- 5 main pieces selected from the following:
- short sleeve polo dress
- navy shorts
- navy skorts
- navy long pants
- navy leggings with the Wesley logo at the ankle
- navy or grey sweatpants with the Wesley logo on the pant leg
- 5 shirts/blouses
- choose from:
- polo shirts (short and long sleeve) in navy, white, or grey, with the Wesley logo, to wear with shorts, pants, and skorts
- athletic tees in grey or navy with pocket logo, to wear with shorts, pants, and skorts
- choose from:
- 2 outer garments - any combination of navy sweater, sweatshirts, or nylon rain jacket with the embroidered Wesley logo (only Wesley outwear acceptable)
- navy mesh shorts available for 4th grade and up if playing after school sports
- 2 pair bike shorts to wear under dresses
6th through 8th Grade
- 5 main pieces selected from the following:
- plaid check skorts
- khaki/navy skorts
- khaki/navy shorts
- khaki/navy long pants
- navy, grey, or green sweatpants
- 5 shirts/blouses
- choose from:
- polo shirts (short and long sleeve) in navy, evergreen, or white, with the Wesley logo, to wear with shorts, pants, and skorts
- Athletic tees in grey, navy, or evergreen with pocket logo, to wear with shorts, pants, and skorts
- choose from:
- 2 outer garments - any combination of evergreen v-neck or cardigan sweaters, evergreen hooded or crewneck sweatshirts, navy hooded sweatshirt, or navy nylon rain jacket with the embroidered Wesley logo (only Wesley outwear acceptable)
- green mesh shorts if playing after school sports
- 1 pair Wesley navy leggings and/or sweatpants with logo
Shoes: ONLY athletic shoes allowed, must be lace up except in K-2nd where they may be velcro closures
Socks: May wear peds, crew or knee socks - any color. May also wear leggings or tights but they must be solid navy, black, or white - no prints or other colors.