High School Placement
Where do they go from here?
You might be wondering where students go after Wesley. The simple answer is everywhere. Because our children are all unique, so too are the high schools that they ultimately select.
One of the advantages of being a K-8 school is that by the time our students are ready to matriculate, they are mature enough to be part of the high school application process. Beginning in the 7th grade, they work directly with our Director of Admissions in a class called High School Prep, wherein they explore their choices, hone their interviewing skills, and think about what matters to them in a potential secondary school. Over the summer, their parents sit down with the same director to discuss options from their perspective. Through meetings, emails, phone calls, and visits to different campuses, Wesley families whittle down their choices until they find the ones that best meet their child’s interests and needs.
The end result is that our graduating class members move on to the best schools in Los Angeles. They matriculate to the high schools—large, small, artsy, sports-centered, religious, secular, coed, all girls or all boys—that complement the young men and women they have become during their tenure here, at Wesley.
In the past three years, our students have been admitted to: