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2nd Grade

What Kinds of Living Things Are There?
Students observe and categorize the living things in an area. Then they make a graph of their observations and share their results with the class.
Reading Further: Amazon Adventure

What Do Animals and Plants Need to Survive?
Students grow plants with and without water or light to determine whether plants need water and light to grow. They use what they learn to plan another investigation.
Reading Further: A Honeybee Mystery

How Do Plants and Animals Depend on Each Other?
Students act as engineers to design a tool for pollinating a flower by hand. They build a hand pollinator and test it on a model of a flower.
Reading Further: Piggyback Ride on a Crab

Why Do Plants and Animals Live in Some Places and Not Others?
Students visit three habitats. They describe each habitat and identify plants and animals that belong and do not belong in each place.
Reading Further: Disappearing Pandas

How Do Plants and Animals Survive in a Rainforest?
Students visit a rainforest habitat. While there, they identify the plants and animals they see and hear. Then they write a travel blog about the trip.
Reading Further: A Colony of Leaf Cutters

How Do Plants and Animals Survive in a Desert?
Students play Desert Challenge! to learn how plants and animals survive in the desert.
Reading Further: Desert Rat

How Do Plants and Animals Survive in a Pond?
Students take on the role of either a pond plant or animal. They find out how the needs of their plant or animal are met by other pond plants and animals.
Reading Further: Water Striders

How Do Plants and Animals Survive in the Ocean?
Students gather information about an ocean animal by going to Ocean Data Centers. In groups, they put the data together and present a report to the class.
Reading Further: Strange Creatures of the Deep