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Welcome to 6th Grade Google Suite!

Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born.

–Alan Kay

Welcome! My name is Mr. Kaitz, and I am the Technology Instructor for 6th grade G Suite and Google Apps. I am very pleased and excited to be a part of the Wesley School family. This website will be used as a reference and information page where students and parents can access pertinent data regarding weekly lessons and curricular goals. I will be updating information as necessary to ensure all students and parents are aware of what students are learning in my class.

Digital Citizenship and G Suite (Google Apps) is a 6th grade class designed to help students use technology smartly and safely as well as get them acclimated to using the Google Suite.

• When starting a new project, I will discuss what we are doing, give background and needed information, model the project with a hands-on example, take questions, and then the students will start work on his or her computer.

• During this time, I will monitor activities, answer questions, and help where needed. This portion of class is student-centered requiring critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

• If we are in the middle of a project, students will use the balance of class to work towards completion.

• As often as possible, I will give students, especially the younger ones, two weeks to finish a project—one to practice, one to save/export/print. This redundancy reinforces new skills and eliminates stress. If students are on week two preparing to save/export/print, he or she will start the day with the project and finish with typing or browsing an educational website.

• Students who complete the current project before the rest of the class, will be able to take advantage of age-appropriate website from a topic that ties into his or her current class activities from this or another subject (i.e. math, English, history, etc.). Website links will be posted, and students will know that these websites can be used during this time.

Important dates

Middle School Back to School Night - Thursday, September 28th.

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 7:30PM-4:00PM

Get in touch! I am available to any student or parent that may need my assistance or explanation on classroom guidelines and assignments. I can be reached by phone at (818) 508-4542 or by email at